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Report: Pope urges Portugal to rediscover Christian roots

May 12, 2010


Like many countries in western Europe, Portugal has strayed far from its Catholic roots, passing laws in recent years allowing abortion on demand and divorce, even when one of the spouses is opposed. Earlier this year, Parliament passed a bill seeking to make the country the sixth in Europe allowing same-sex couples to marry. The country’s president must know decide whether to approve or veto the legislation.

The German-born Benedict has made clear his dissatisfaction with such trends in Europe and has made it a priority of his papacy to remind Europeans that Christianity forms a basis of much of their culture and identity, and that they shouldn’t try to do without God in their lives…

Full report here.

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  1. Hello friend,
    I just saw your blog when I was googling stuff on Kosovo. You seem like a kindred spirit. Looks like good stuff.


  2. John permalink

    Christian roots as dramatized by Leopold in the Congo and all of Central and South America.

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